I enjoy writing. I don't do it well but I still enjoy it. I'm not a great writer like some but I think I can get my thoughts on paper as well as the next guy. I have a head full of knowledge and no where to share it. That is sad. All these years of studying and learning and reading and living to get wiser and where does it get you? At an age where you begin to forget mostly everything. Old Age - is it a curse or blessing?
Young people look at us and think we've lost all our marbles because we are old now. They don't seem to realize that inside us is still a young vibrant person wanting to do all the things they do only our bodies wouldn't let us. Anyway, I don't really want to talk about old age today.
So what do I want to talk about? Hmmm, let me see. I just like to write whatever comes into my head. If I can catch it before I forget it, you might have something interesting to read. Talking of forgetting, my 25 year old daughter complains that she keeps forgetting things. It is so bad that she was talking about it with her boss the other day. She said something like, "I keep forgetting things. My memory is as bad as, what were we talking about again?" That's about it too for me.
This has literally happened to me. I go into the kitchen to get a drink. When I get there I think I wanted to go to the bathroom so I go and then go back to the living room and sit down in front of the t.v. Oops, I forgot the drink. Get up, back to the kitchen, humm, what was I there for. Straighten a few things up, back to the living room. Sit down. A few mins. pass and oops, forgot the drink. Back to the kitchen. get a snack. Back to the living room. I have done this up to four and five times before I finally get what I originally wanted. I'm tempted to wear a notepad or a tape recorder around my neck but I would probably forget to use them or put them on. It becomes kind of funny after awhile. Most of the time now, I wait for my husband to get up and get him to get it for me as his memory is still great.
I guess there are many types of forgetfulness. There is the kind my daughter has when she gets over stressed at something. Then there is the kind you get when you just have too many things going on at once. Then there is the old age type, the menopause type and then Alzheimers or as we like to call it part timers or old timers. Oh yeah, I forgot the teenager type. That's when you ask them to do something and they say "I forgot." They seem to get that kind for quite a few years and it seems to only happen in certain situations.
One time I called the doctor about something and when she asked for my phone number I went totally blank. I began crying and said "I can't remember." She said it was o.k. they would look it up but I was so upset about it. I must have been under a lot of stress that day and just went blank but I was so afraid I was getting Alzheimers and didn't even think of stress.
With all this forgetfulness, I forgot what I was originally going to write about. Next time.
Have an unforgettable day.
Discovering Joy: Week 4/Part 1
The post Discovering Joy: Week 4/Part 1 appeared first on Time-Warp Wife.
2 days ago
Oh sorry, forgot what I wanted to say............
Some people are born forgetful, and I can't remember for sure, but I think I was one of them. My mother is even worse than I am, which may mean that age will make the condition worse, but my mother is a young 44 (claiming to be 29), so that doesn't bode well for either of us. My grandmother, however, a very young-at-heart 71 year old, has a sharper memory than the two of us combined. Where was I going with this?
Your guess is as good as mine!
I had a great Spring Break in Myrtle Beach and don't remembera thing!
Long ago my mom told me if I happened to forget something that I should go back to where I was when the thought had come to me and I would remember it. So if I run down into the basement and then forget why I came, I just go back upstairs to the bedroom or wherever and boom--whatever it was comes right back to me. It works and it's great exercise... I get a lot of exercise these days.
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