I sit here at my computer day after day wanting to talk and have a good discussion but I get here and I go blank.
Years ago, when my sisters lived out of town, I could write and write. I would send them pages of writing. I would tell them everything I did from the least little thing and sometimes my letters would get about 25 pages long. Some of the sisters didn’t like the long letters while others enjoyed them and would write back pages themselves.
Now I have this thing in me that wants to write and write and write some more, but I don’t know what to say. It is laughable and heart breaking at the same time. I know I am not a good writer yet I want to write - to share. Sometimes I sit here for up to 9 hours by myself so you’d think I would have lots to share when it is time - but No. What can you share when you don’t do much of anything?
I could share that I can tell the day of the week because of when the train comes. It comes on Thursdays. I'm sure you are all so glad that I shared that bit of information with you. I could share about the weather, or junk I watched on t.v. but that is boring. I want to share Deep things, INTENSE things, things that make you say "Oh, I didn’t know that." With the computer, everyone knows everything or can find out easily enough. There isn’t a lot new you can up with.
I love a good discussion. I’ll even discuss the side I don’t believe in just to have a good discussion. My mom used to call it ‘arguing’ and we would tell her we weren’t arguing, just having a LOUD discussion. She didn’t like joining in because her views were somewhat different than ours and it would seem like we were ganging up on her. (My dad, husband, and I)
So what do I share? A lot of nothing. I can fill up pages and pages and not really say anything. Oh, I am saying something. Don’t get me wrong. But I’m not saying a lot of anything in particular. Just rambling around in cyberspace like my brain. If you see it float by, grab it for me and send it home please.
No, I don’t talk sports or politics because I don’t know much about either. I’ve given up talking about sex as well now that I am ‘older’ and wiser. I remember getting an obscene phone call many, many years ago. I’m not sure if it originally was supposed to be an obscene phone call or not. The guy who phoned was doing some sort of survey and said the phone numbers were dialled automatically so he had no idea who I was. He said he liked my voice and would I mind talking with him for awhile so he could take a break. I said sure. (I was young, what do you expect) He said I could pick the topic and he named three - sports, politics or sex. Not thinking much of it at the time I chose sex. First mistake. He started by asking very innocent type questions and I was carelessly answering them. Before too long they took a turn and I had to let him go. How foolish I was back then. I wonder if I had picked sports or politics if the conversation would have gone on normally or if at some time it still would have turned.
When I was younger and we would go visiting. The ladies had a habit of gathering in the kitchen with the children and the men sat in the living room. I would sneak out and see what the men were talking about. I found the women’s conversations boring. All they would talk about was cooking, sewing, fashions, raising kids, etc. I wanted to listen in on meatier conversations like tools, cars, and of course the dreaded sports.
So here I sit, ending another blog with not much said. Maybe I’ll get a brain storm and come up with something new and exciting next time. YEH RIGHT!
Till then, have a non boring day filled with good things to talk about.
Joy Begins by Trusting in God
The post Joy Begins by Trusting in God appeared first on Time-Warp Wife.
1 day ago
Much ado about nothing - Didn't Seinfeld get extremely rich with that. A show about nothing.
So would you like this to be like school where we give you a topic and a week to complete the assignment?
We could do that.
That was a trick question. Ask a woman about politics, sports or sex, and the only thing she knows is the latter.
Talking is a good thing..
shows that you are not stuffed up!!
So talk away
and is it not amazing that people around the world are listening - and you thought that you were isolated in Winnipeg Beach!
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