I hate injustices. There is nothing that gets my goat more than unfair treatment for certain things.
You hear of the poorer man who gets sent to prison for umpteen years for a crime he didn't even commit. Then you hear of a rich guy, who can afford expensive lawyers, and they get him off on some technicality. Doesn't matter if the man is guilty or not - his 'rights' have been violated. Where is the justice in that?
Then I hear of the homeless. There are a few that choose to live that way, but a majority of them would rather not. These are smart intelligent people who held down good jobs and now because of cut backs or for whatever reasons, they are out of jobs and homes. The government can't give them welfare unless they have a home address and they can't get a home address because they don't have any money. Something is pretty screwy there.
Then what about abortions? Thousands of abortions are being performed each day on women who don't want their babies. I see hundreds of women who are trying to get pregnant and can't. They want babies so badly some have stooped to kidnapping them. Why can't the ladies that are getting pregnant just give their babies to the ones that want them.
And what about minimum wage. The standard of living jumped at least 8% and yet wages were locked in at 5%. Then there was the year they brought in the G.S.T. and P.S.T. I don't know if it was that year or the next, but they said there hadn't been any standard of living jump. Well, sure there had been - at least 14%. The more forward we move, the behinder we get. What's an extra 7% to someone who can afford it? It's the little guy that struggles.
Then there are cutbacks at jobs. You can work for a company for twenty years but does that count for anything - no. They'd rather get some new guy in that they can pay a lesser wage to so they can pad their pockets with more cash. Loyalty at a job doesn't count for anything anymore. The big shots get special bonuses and deals and even retirement options while the little guys gets zilch. After twenty years of working for the same company, this guy has age working against him. Even though they claim you can't discriminate, people want to hire younger guys. They can get them cheaper.
Then there is auto pac. What a laugh. You can get demerits for nearly everything but you have to wait years and years to get merits. Then when you finally get up to five merits, they cut you off. Why? Why shouldn't the good drivers be rewarded while the poorer drivers lose their merits.
And what about older women. What have they got out there for them? Say you have been living as a stay at home mom for the past 20 - 25 years. You have no skills and no money to upgrade. The kids are grown now and you'd like to work to bring in some extra income. What is out there for them? Supposing they wanted to leave their husbands, where could they get work to support themselves? And what if there are health problems as well. They are stuck between a rock and a hard place.
And what about Welfare. I know that they barely get enough to live on, but some have really learned to use and abuse the system. Their kids get new clothes and get to go to the circus for free while the poor shmuck toils away and can't afford such luxuries for his kids. Maybe things are different now a days but when I was younger the welfare kids lived better than we did.
There is going to be someone out there that reads this and says I've blown it all out of proportion. Well, please fill me in as I hate feeling this way about "THEM".
Have a good and just day.
Joy Begins by Trusting in God
The post Joy Begins by Trusting in God appeared first on Time-Warp Wife.
1 day ago
I finally got through. Blogger was been an injustice today, umph.
Now that I am approaching 40 and beauty is fading fast, I look at my skills and say, "All I know is book cover design, and wiping bums. Will I ever have a chance of being hired?" Young beautiful women can always be a receptionist or a waitress, but older women have to work at the donut shops, that's an injustice!
And older single women, unless they really 'have got it going on', aren't likely to be snagging too many dates.
And that's why at the age of 39 I went back to school!
Being an accountant I figured out that I could do that on $30 a week - as the courses got more expensive my earning capacity increased.
It's never and I mean never too late to go back and if you don't have funds there are student loans.
Autopac and DDVL are two different entities, by the way. Merits / Demerits are DDVL. An Insurance Discount is Autopac. Just a little info.
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