Wednesday, February 23


Have you ever stopped to think How Fearfully and wonderfully God has made You? A person of average size performs the following functions each day:

  • Your heart beats 103,689 times. (it is a pump and irrigation system)
  • You breathe 23,040 times. (Your lungs are an air conditioning system)
  • You inhale 438 cub. feet of air.
  • You eat between 3 and 4 pounds of food, drink 3 quarts of liquids, and perspire about 2 pints.
  • Your body maintains a steady temperature of 98.6 degrees under all weather conditions.
  • You generate 450 tons of energy.
  • Your brain is a computer system.
  • You speak 4,800 words (Men only).
  • You move and use over 700 muscles, use 7,000 brain cells, and walk 7 miles (women only, in the home - not men, they ride).
  • Your nerves are a telegraph and alarm system.
  • Your skin and sweat glands are ventilation systems.
  • Your cells are a renewal system.
  • Your kidneys, bladder, intestines are a disposal system.
  • And you have a built in Electrical generating system.

No wonder you are tired at the end of a day.

You are a unique person. No one has ever done the things that you have done. No one has ever thought the things that you have thought. No one has ever felt the things that you have felt. No one can duplicate you. We did not happen by accident. God made you and he cares about every area of your life. "Even the very hairs of your head are all numbered". (Matthew 10:30)

Don't you think that God - who has made you so wonderfully complex - is able to care for you each and every moment of each day? Trust Him with your life. He will not disappoint you.


(Not sure who wrote this original article. If anyone knows the original author please let me know so I can give proper credit where credit is due.)

In a comprehensive and remarkable article in the January 11, 1982 issue of Newsweek, are included pictures of the unborn. The article says, "At conception, out of the hundreds of millions of sperm that swim to the waiting egg, only one manages to penetrate. It releases digestive enzymes, eating its way into the egg, and alters the egg's surface so that no other sperm can follow. The sperm merges its genes with the egg's. Somehow - scientists don't know exactly how - that union creates a new life."
The cells, all descendants of the same fertilized egg and containing the same genes develop, some into heart cells, some become kidneys, some round into blood cells, and others branch into nerves.
At three weeks, the heart begins to beat and the brain develops. After eight weeks, almost all of the internal organs are in place; the embryo is scarcely an inch long...yet 95% of the known structures are there. Scientists aren't sure what makes cells stop moving once they get to the right place - they are very selective about the company they keep, aggregating only with similar cells so that organs can form properly. Even when biologists mix different kinds of cells in a culture, they sort out, liver cells clumping with liver cells, brain with brain, and kidney with kidney...making patterns - arms, legs, organs -requiring cells to coordinate their movements as precisely as a marching band. And scientists don't know what causes the cells to stop multiplying once the correct size of a finger or hand has been reached.
Did not the Psalmist David say it best: "I am fearfully and wonderfully made." (Psalm 139:14)? It takes a whole lot less faith to believe God is our Creator, than to believe in evolution.
If God in all His wisdom was so careful about the creating of the human body and all its intricacies, doesn't it make alot of sense that He created you for a purpose? That you are important to Him? That He didn't make a mistake when He made you? Think about it.

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body, and knit them together in my mother's womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! It is amazing to think about. Your workmanship is marvellous - and how well I know it. You were there while I was being formed in utter seclusion! You saw me before I was born and scheduled each day of my life before I began to breathe. Every day was recorded in your book! (Psalm 139:13-16 Living Bible.)


Darlene Schacht said...

I always feel that deformed children are not deformed, but rather carefully and wonderfully made. Different from the norm and yet created for a reason.

Roonie said...

Darlene, that's a very nice way of looking at it.

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