Don’t you just wish you could be taking a stroll on a beautiful moonlit night and have your partner break into song and dance with a full orchestra accompanying them in the background. Those were the good old days. That must have been true love.
I’ve never had an orchestra play for me when I walked with my husband and I would have been embarrassed if he started dancing. Singing would have been o.k. as he was a great singer with a deep bass voice.
And wouldn’t it be nice if we could dress up every evening with a beautiful dress and pearls around our neck and greet our hubbies at the door with a cocktail when he got off of work. Of course he would be elegantly dressed in a three piece suit as well and we would both sit down to a fully loaded table with all the trimmings.
Some of us would have maids and cooks and we would hardly ever see the children as they would be hidden away somewhere and well taken care of. When we would see children, they were always well dressed, had exceptional manners and were extremely well behaved.
And wouldn’t it be nice to have all our problems solved in just a half an hour because someone said or did just the right thing.
T.V. Land - the land of the imagination. The land where Women were women and treated with respect and dignity. The land where men were the head of the house. They worked, had refinements, and cared for their families. A man’s word was his bond and nothing could break that.
Life outside of T.V. land must have been so miserable that they had to make movies that were purely escapism. They should have called the T.V. the "wish tube" as that’s what it was all about. We wished we could be like that family we saw every week for half an hour. We wished we could have the bright teeth they advertised about. We wished we could drive the new cars they showed.
Then T.V. shows started to grow up. They wanted more realism. Boy did we get realism. Swearing, killing, blood everywhere, and sex, sex and more sex. I must lead a very secluded life as I don’t see those kinds of things happening around my place too often.
Today’s t.v. shows boast of being ‘reality t.v.’. How often have you been locked up in a house for three months with 14 or so other people? When was the last time you were stashed away on some forsaken Island with a bunch of people and have to compete for your food or prizes?
I don’t know about you, but that isn’t what my life is like. That isn’t realism. We never see these people go to the bathroom or pick their noses. (Not that I would want to see that) And have you noticed the people are always so slim and trim and beautiful. Never an old hag with boobs down to her belly and a gut out so far they can’t see their feet.
One of the most realistic shows I’ve seen on the Tube is "The Biggest Loser" There they show people as they really are. FAT. The goal of the show is to see who can lose the most weight. Now that is reality. They are constantly tempting them with huge beautiful meals and all kinds of dainties. But these people are serious about losing their weight and they inspire others that are watching to want to lose weight as well.
The non reality part comes in when they have to vote someone out. What a cruel thing to do. Who cares if you aren’t the winner in the end - they all win as they all end up losing some of their weight. Mind you, not all of us can have a trainer and dietician on hand all the time and all those exercise machines to motivate you. Other than that - it is reality television. Real people with real problems working hard to try to fix them.
Television - what is it coming to. It has become babysitter, companion, entertainment, and even life itself for some people. They couldn’t live one week without their televisions. Now that’s reality.
These are just my thoughts for today. What’s your opinion of the television shows we are seeing today?
Go out and have some fun and have a television free day.
Joy Begins by Trusting in God
The post Joy Begins by Trusting in God appeared first on Time-Warp Wife.
2 days ago
And of course, there's thirty gorgeous men all fighting for one woman to chose them. But who would trade a life with Val for thirty bimbo guys, right? Reality is so much better,.
I like CSI. I think it is funny when they find a single finger print on toilet flusher. Does that meen no one flushes but the killer.
OK mean
I also like CSI and of course all the Law and Order shows.
I remember growing up being extremely disappointed when I found out that people did not burst into song at he right moment. Life was not a musical.
Rude awakening when I broke into corus and no one joined in!
Heck, people pick their nose here, almost without embarrassment - and I am supposed to get joy out of this reality? No - but you are right
being real is a good thing
but then so are dreams and fantasys. They carry us into the future - if they are healthy!
I don't like the "reality" shows. I watch TV to escape the world. Fall asleep with my eyes open and hopefully let out a gut-wrenching laugh now and then. (That's right, I like sit coms).
My opinion....
Your template is SO ADORABLE!!! DArlene did a great job!
Kathy likes all those shows: Survivor, The Bachelor, Average Joe, The Great Race, and the skillion make over shows about people and houses. I wonder about calling these "reality" shows, since like you, they don't depict things in my reality. All this came about because of the TV writers' strike a few years ago, when the networks realized they could get along without scripts. I guess it's cheaper maybe to do it that way. Anyway, I wonder what will happen in the next twenty years--maybe we'll all be watching what the Japanese and British see now: no real boundaries, anything goes.
Let's get people reading again. The pictures in your head are always better than any TV movie.
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