Job 1:21 And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.
Are you ready should you meet your maker today? One never knows the time when the Lord God of heaven shall call us home. Have you made your arrangements?
My husband just passed away a week ago. He came to know Jesus as his personal friend and saviour 29 years ago. During that time He became closer and closer to Jesus and walked and talked with Him daily. What a friend Jesus became to Him.
All the arrangements were made for him to go home with Jesus. He was not afraid to meet his great friend. Because of his prior preparations, I know where my husband is today and it gives me great peace. I don’t have to worry about where he is or if he will be alright. I know he is in the arms of Jesus. He is safe, he is healed and he is experiencing great Joy.
Many people make all the earthly arrangements for their funerals before they pass on but they miss the most important arrangements of all. They don’t arrange for the afterlife. Friends and family members cannot make those arrangements for you. Once you are gone it is too late.
You can make those arrangements at any time and it doesn’t cost you a dime. Jesus paid the price ahead of time. All you have to do is accept his great offer.
Where you go after you die is the most important decision you can ever make. Why would anyone put off making the arrangements. We all must die someday and there is a life after death. Where are you going to spend your eternity? Think about it. Today could be your last day on this earth. Are you ready to go?
There IS a heaven and there IS a hell no matter what you might think. There is enough PROOF of it for anyone who SERIOUSLY wants to check it out. Hell is not a place of partying and meeting with friends. It is a horrible place and was not created for man in the first place. God doesn’t want anyone going there but WE make the choices. Why would you want to chose extreme pain and suffering for your eternity when you can chose good health, happy times, meeting with friends and family, never being hungry, and joys you cannot even dream of.
God offers it all to us for FREE. Plus he offers us the bonus of being with us now, here on earth, to help us cope with the day to day stresses of life. He will walk with you and talk with you and guide you in the things you should do. He has a plan for your life and it is a perfect plan to give you the most amount of Joy you could possible have on this earth. He loves you dearly and only wants the very best for you.
Don’t look at those around you and ask questions of God. Just look to Him and turn to him. He will answer all your questions if you TRULY want to know. Why God does this or allows that, is not for you to know. Your life and what he does in your life is all that counts. You are the one that will have to give an account when you stand before him. Not what he did or didn’t do for others.
Do you want to stand before him as He judges you for the choices you made or didn’t make on this earth or would you rather just be gathered up in His arms and loved? That is what He offers you - HIS LOVE.
Please, please consider this from the depths of your heart. It is the most important decision you will ever make.
Say this prayer in all sincerity:
Father God.
I don’t know if you are real or not or if the things the Bible says are real or not but I TRULY want to know the truth. Please help me. If the things Jesus said are real, then I want to be a part of your family. Please come into my heart and become Lord and Saviour of my soul. Lead my life and guide me and make me into the person you want me to be. I ask all this in Jesus name.
I pray that you will say this prayer and some day I will see you in heaven as well.
Have a new and special day with Jesus in your life.
Joy Begins by Trusting in God
The post Joy Begins by Trusting in God appeared first on Time-Warp Wife.
2 days ago
You will see me there!
I'm there. Way to spread the word.
I'm ready, and I'll see you there.
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