Thursday, November 4


Luk 2:19  But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.

My oldest daughter walked into the room crying. I went to her and put my arms around her as I asked her what was wrong. I felt the uncertainty and pain as she tearfully told me that she had lost her unborn baby – again.

My heart cried out for her.  “Oh, God, why?  Help me to help her.”

As I held my crying daughter I was reminded of the adorable little girl she once was.  Her only concerns then were playing with dolls, tea cups and dishes.  Her biggest calamities where when her toys didn’t do what she wanted them to do.  Life was so much simpler for her then.  When had my little girl grown up so fast?

I felt so close to her at that moment.  I was thankful that she was able to share her deep pain and feelings with me at such a time.  She was confused and afraid but I was there for her and she knew it. I would have done anything to ease her pain.  I would have taken that pain upon myself if it had been possible. 

In that instance I began to realize the love our Heavenly Father’s has for all of His children.  I realized that there was nothing too big or too awful that I couldn’t take to Father God. He would understand.  He would be willing to die to take my place.  He understood. I loved my daughter so much and yet God loved her much more than I ever could.  In fact, He loved me so much that he entrusted this person into my care from the time she was conceived.

In my mind I had to give her over to God and trust Him to comfort her as only He could.  There wasn’t much more that I could do to help her. I reassured her of God’s love and told her that He had it all under control. He knew what was best and He would eventually work things out in the best way possible.

Many years have come and gone and God has gifted my daughter with two extraordinary sons.  My special Grandsons!  The oldest is 5 years old and the youngest is 2. She was unable to have children of her own but God knew that one day these two little boys would need a good home.  He knew that she would love them as her own and that she would teach them about His love.

Psa 113:9  He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the LORD.

Isa 55:8  For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
Isa 55:9  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.


I anxiously waited for news that my grandchild had arrived.  No news was forthcoming so I decided to go to the hospital and wait there.  I arrived on the scene only to be told it would still be awhile but they let me see my daughter for a short time while.  She was in labour but nearing the end.  I looked at my little girl laying there about to give birth.  It didn’t seem that long ago that I was laying on a hospital bed giving birth to her.  As one pain after another came she seemed to handle it so well.  I thought about how brave she was; how great she was doing; and how she was being so strong. I wanted it all to be over for her sake. 

In the waiting room I paced back and forth, sat down, stood up,  walked a little, lay down, everything I could think of to relax but I couldn’t.  I wondered if this was how fathers felt when they were waiting for their child to come into the world. 

Finally my son-in-law came into the room and told me I was the grandmother of a healthy baby boy. I was overjoyed as I hurried to my daughter’s side.  There in her arms I saw my first grandchild for the first time.  As they placed that little bundle in my arms, I burst into tears.  I couldn’t help it.  He was so precious and so beautiful. I let my tears flow as I looked into his tiny face. I felt like he was as much mine as he was hers. I was holding a little miracle in my arms.  Here was a new life that came forth from my daughter; my little girl! She was all grown up now and starting a family of her own.  I was so very proud of her.

Psa 127:3  Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.

Pro 17:6  Children's children are the crown of old men; and the glory of children are their fathers.


I’ve shared these special "Mom Moments" with you in the hopes that it would remind you of our Father in Heaven.  I wonder if He ever gets “Father Moments” as He looks down on His children.  Does He sense a special closeness when we are willing to trust Him with our deepest pain?   Does He look on us with so much love and admiration that He feels like He will burst?  Do we sense His arms reaching out to gently hug us when we are having problems?  Do you think He chuckles when we do something funny or foolish and enjoys seeing us have fun?  And then I wonder how He really feels when a lost soul is finally born into His kingdom?  I wonder how He will feel when He finally gets to take His adopted children home to live with Him for all eternity?

The apostle John describes our experience as God’s children who have been born into His family by the new birth. 

John 3:3  Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

Romans 8:23 tells us “we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.”

At the Second Coming of Christ our resurrected bodies will be glorified and will then possess all our inheritance that the son ship involves.

Many think that the Bible says that the angels rejoice when someone gets saved.  Well, maybe they do, but let's read it again:

Luke 15:10  Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.

The joy is in the presence of the angels.  Could that be referring to God?  Maybe it is God that is expressing joy! 

“Maybe He is having a Dad Moment.”

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