Dear Diary
Here it is the third day of the year and the temperature is supposed to go above freezing today. What on earth is happening to our weather? In Manitoba here we really like to discuss the weather. It is always our main topic of discussion. (That and the fact that we can get if for you wholesale.)
I have heard rumour that the poles are shifting - maybe that is the problem. I have also heard of global warming and maybe that is the problem. But then again I have read the Bible so I KNOW what is going on.
Many people are confused and fearful at the things that are going on around the world. As a child of God, I have been prewarned of most of what is happening so I am not afraid. I marvel at God and his word and how up to date it is. We can read about what the Bible says in the daily newspapers. It is totally amazing.
The bible says that in the times leading to the end there would be all kinds of things happening on the earth that can't be explained away. The earth is like a woman about to give birth to a child. It is going through birth pains and you can just about predict when the next major labour pain will come.
We have been warned that nation would rise against nation. We have been told there would be great upheavals in the earth. We have been told about new disease and pestilence. We have been told everything we need to know - yet why are the masses so blind as to what is going on? Why can't they see it?
When I started this blog I had no idea it would take this direction but I guess this is the direction it has taken for a reason. I believe everything happens for a reason.
So what is God trying to say today? Are you ready should his coming be today? He says he will come again as a thief in the night. When we least expect it. Till then we are to be watching and waiting.
We have to be extra careful because we have been warned that there would be perilous times. Times when many will go to and fro and claim that they are the Christ or that they have the answers. Many will be deceived and will follow wrong doctrines and the lies of the enemy.
This is a time in history when trusting man must come to an end for all time. It is a time to fully put our trust in Christ and let him control EVERY detail of our lives. We cannot listen anymore to what man has to say. Our God is coming and we are to be waiting and watchful.
Don't be like the people the Bible warns about that say "Hey, we've been waiting for his coming for years and it still hasn't happened." He knew his coming would be in the future so he warned his followers to not get weary in waiting or to give up.
So my word to you today is to LOOK UP. Soon he will come to get his children and to set up his earthly Kingdom. Till then, Keep the Faith that was once delivered to you by our forefathers and the apostles before them.
Have a great day.
Joy Begins by Trusting in God
The post Joy Begins by Trusting in God appeared first on Time-Warp Wife.
2 days ago
A timely reminder that we are to fix our eyes on Jesus!
By the way, the weather here is beautiful today - lovely and hot. Blue skies and sunshine... but that's the way it's supposed to be since it is Summer here!
Hi Tink,
Anticipating His return helps me make it through the day right in front of me.
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