So I am sitting here minding my own business, playing a game of solitare, which I usually do around this time of day, when my hunger pain strikes.
The nerve.
Right in the middle of a game.
So I leave my precious game and go in the kitchen to prepare my soup.
You see soup is what I have every day. Day after day after day. Soup for lunch.
And not just any soup. It has to be Chicken Noodle soup because I am a chicken noodle soup fanatic.
It’ o.k. though because chicken noodle soup has less carbs in it than vegetable soup. Who would have thought?
So, I prepare my soup in my nice big cup - which I use every day - and I bring it with me to my little computer room. And I do mean little.
This room is heated by light bulbs and you can stretch your arms out and touch each wall with no problem. Used to be a closet. Now I am a closet queen.
Well, I like to play games while I sip my soup.
I move my ashtray and put the soup cup in its place. Try to take a sip of the soup, but it is a little too hot.
O.k. I can wait.
I will have a cigarette while I am waiting.
Up comes the next game and I am really into it. So absorbed. So much excitement.
I flick my ashes into what I think is my ashtray and oooppps.
Did I really do that? What a moron I can be sometimes. ARGGG!
Ever taste smoked Chicken Noodle Soup. It’s really not that bad.
Joy Begins by Trusting in God
The post Joy Begins by Trusting in God appeared first on Time-Warp Wife.
2 days ago
LOL I've done that!
Did you really eat the soup??
Did you really eat the soup??
Oops...That was from me. I keep forgetting to sign my comments!
Must have been a good game of cards you had going there...did you win??
I'm the one that would be honored to be listed on your site.
I tried commenting last night, but blogger wouldn't allow it. That is so funny. You can write a book on "The stupid things you do when you're over 50" I'm guessing that each volume will be funnier than the last.
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