Thursday, March 30


Some people misinterpreted what I wrote in my last blog. I am sorry about that.

I thought that with all the "therefores", "henceforths" and so on you would get the tongue in cheek message.

I've got a life.
Of course I do.
Everyone does.

Mine is just not a blogging life so to speak.

It is not a life filled with adventure and mystery and all kinds of wonderful little anecdotes I can share with everyone.
It is sort of a mundane life in comparison to other bloggers.

I have a very fully life.
I am up early in the morning and sit and write letters to my wonderful friend and family members.
I read other peoples blogs and see what they have been up to.
I fill my time with crafting and sewing and watching t.v. in the evenings.

But how exciting is that to write about. Not much excitement for a blog.

A few times a week I venture outside to the store and sometimes to my daughter's for a quick visit. (Sometimes even supper)
Then the odd time, I even get to go to the BIG CITY or even the smaller city only 1/2 hour away from here.

O.k. I know it all sounds so boring, but really - I am quite content with my life.

I enjoy that I am never rushed in anything I do.
I can take my time and do whatever I want to do - whenever I want to do it.
Isn't that what most people work towards?
I have no one to answer to (except God of course) and life is sweet.

Sure it can get boring at times but I usually have something to fill those times.

I really don't miss having a lot of people in my life.
I have always been a loner and I am comfortable with it.
Making new relationships can be quite taxing and nerve wrecking on a person.
I prefer living in my comfort zone.

When God wants me to move out of it, he'll give me a kick in the pants - I am sure.

I have been busy preparing for my big adventure this summer of opening a craft store of sorts from my garage.
That has me excited and has kept my creative juices running.
I am looking forward to seeing how that all pans out. (Then I might be depressed)

For now, I will continue as I have been continuing.
Cabin feven has set in a little but I am overcoming the fever by chilling out with a few crafts.

A preview of more of what I have been up to will be coming shortly.

So for today, I bid you all a contented life. I know I have one.

Tuesday, March 28


What should I blog? What should I blog? What should I blog?

This line keeps echoing through my brain day after day.

My daughter blogs.
My sister blogs.
Others blog.
Why do I have so much trouble blogging?

I guess if I had a life - I would have something to say.

People always tell me "Get a life." I would, but where do you go to find one.

I've never seen them for sale in any of the stores and believe me, I've been in plenty of stores.

Couldn't find them at the restaurants either - nope, none there.

Thought maybe they had them at the bars and I tried that as well but nope, nadda nothing, zilch.

Please, please can anyone direct me to where I can get a life?

I even tried going to the big city as it seems city people all have lives but you know what - I found people there that didn't have lives either.

It seems to hit the seniors the most. No one tells you when you are younger that when you get older you wouldn't have a life.
I wonder why that is?

Maybe they are AFRAID to tell us lest we do something stupid like develop some sort of life we can carry into our old age.

Some people learned the secret years ago and are living healthy normal lives in their old age. But not me.

No. I have to be different again - as usual.

So, while everyone else is living their lives, I just exist.

Existing can be o.k. Better than the alternative anyway.

So that brings me back to "What to blog?"

I can't blog about my life, cause as I said - I don't have one.
So I guess I can blog about my existence.

I exist, therefore, I am. That is what I am here for.

Furthermore, I am all that I can be - me.

Henceforth, I have written another blog.

Go ye therefore and live your life like there is no tomorrow. For someday, you may just exist.

P.S. If you find a spare life hanging around somewhere, could you send it my way.

This existing thing really sucks BIG TIME.

Thursday, March 23


Funny Hints.

Layers of dirty film on windows and screens provide a helpful filter against the harmful rays from the sun.

Cobwebs: Artfully draped over lampshades, they reduce the glare from the bulb, thereby creating a romantic atmosphere.

Explain the mound of pet hair brushed up against the doorways by claiming you are collecting it there to use for stuffing hand-sewn play animals for underprivileged children. (It also keeps out cold drafts in winter.)

Dusting: If dust is REALLY out of control, simply place a showy urn on the coffee table and insist the "This is where Grandma wanted us to scatter her ashes."

Always keep several get well cards on the mantle so if unexpected guests arrive, you can say you’ve been sick and unable to clean.

General Cleaning: -Mix one-quarter cup pine-scented household cleaner with four cups of water in a spray bottle. Mist the air lightly.

Leave dampened rags in conspicuous locations

Develop an exhausted look, throw yourself on the couch and sigh, "I clean and I clean and I still dont get anywhere."

As a last resort, light the oven, throw a teaspoon of cinnamon in a pie pan, turn off the oven and explain that you have been baking cookies for a bake sale for a favorite charity and haven’t had time to clean. Works every time.

Cobwebs anywhere - simply throw glitter on them and call them holiday decorations.

The following are REAL Hints:

Use chocolate flavored Ex-lax to control chipmunks, moles, etc.

Hair Lice - regularly shampoo with Coconut Oil Shampoo. Coconut Oil is the source of dodecylalcohol which is lethal to adult lice and some eggs.

Did you know a burst of spray starch or hair spray will ground a flying insect?

Doggie Deodorant - In between baths, dust your dog with baking soda, leave it on 10 minutes or so, brush it out and enjoy a sweet-smelling dog.

Remove glue and sticky stuff from objects you buy with a little peanut butter.

Reduce Food costs - Very simple: Don’t do your shopping on an empty stomach.

To eliminate odours of cabbage, brussel sprouts or broccoli, place the heel of bread (the whole last crust of a loaf) on top of vegetables while cooking.

Experts tell us that to prevent the top of your meat loaf from splitting, simply brush it with some cold water before you put it in the oven.

Keep a plastic sandwich bag in the shortening can so that you can insert your hand, grab some shortening and grease pans with the same bag over and over.

Plastic Wrap - Keep it from sticking and tangling - Store in freezer of fridge.

To add an interestingly different flavour to gravy, mix in a little instant coffee.

Bacon - Before you open the package, roll it over on itself. This tends to loosen the bacon strips for easier removal.

Fruit sauces sweetened after cooling need half as much sugar as sauces sweetened while hot.

Omit salt when cooking corn because it toughens the kernels. If you must add something, let it be sugar.

Sauteeing with butter, add a little salad oil to the pan to keep the fat from burning.

Add tablespoon of vinegar to oil, before heating, and deep fried food will not absorb as much of the oil.

After working with onions, rub your hands on your stainless steel water taps or something stainless steel. Removes smell.

To correct lumpy gravy, blend a little salt into the flour or cornstarch before adding water to the thickening.

To keep a vegetable salad fresh while standing, place inverted saucer in bottom of the salad bowl before putting salad in.

Popping corn pops better if you freeze it first.

Candles burn longer if they are frozen first

Tuesday, March 14


Quite a few months ago, my sister Bonnie woke up to terrible pain in her back. She seemed to be getting better for awhile. Then she started getting pain in her neck area. This pain seemed to get worse and worse. She was going to a doctor and a chiropractor but nothing seemed to help. It finally got to the point where she couldn't even hold a pencil in her hand without being in so much pain. She went to a specialist and I think they told her that she had a ruptured disk. She has been bed ridden and on pain killers.
She will be going in for another MRI and will be going to a private clinic to get some sort of operation.

I am asking everyone to pray for her healing. They don't really know what is wrong.

In advance I thank you all for her prayers.

Sunday, March 5


Yesterday I got to go with my daughter Angela and her husband Rob to Selkirk. They picked me up and I got in the car and sat beside Zander. I said "Hello" and he said "Whaaaaaaa." He was making strange. He cried till he finally fell asleep from the ride.

So last night I got to babysit while Ang and Rob went out to Celebrate their ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY. Wouldn’t you know it, Zander cried nearly the whole time. He started out fairly well but then he looked around and there was no mom there and he was in a strange place and the crying started and continued till 25 minutes before they got home.

I can’t believe the patience I have with him though. It didn’t bother me that he was crying. I felt so sorry for the little guy.

I can remember years and years ago, before I had my kids, babysitting a baby that made strange. Now this baby made strange with everyone - including the father. There was no stopping him either. I remember how it grated on my nerves and I felt like strangling him at times. I finally had to tell the mother that I just couldn’t babysit for her anymore as I just couldn’t take it.

Wow, I have really come a long way. Why couldn’t we have this patience when our babies were born? I guess that is what is so neat about being grandparents.

So, if you pray for patience, don’t be surprised if God brings some little ones into your life.

Here’s a picture of my poor frightened grandson Zander.

Thursday, March 2


What does one blog when one doesn’t know what to blog? That is the question. Whether it is nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of the people who think you write crap or whether is it nobler not to write anything at all.

O.k. so that is all I know of Shakespear. Never really took him in school.

Wow, I got at least 8 comments on my last blog. What did I do right? Must be some secret to giving instructions or something. Thank you thank you thank you to all who commented.

You like me - You really really like me!!!! Hee Hee. Blush blush.

For those of you that don’t know it yet, my sister Darlene and some other ladies have a woman’s magazine on line. Check it out by clicking on the link "Christian Women Online" located on the right hand side of the page.

Darlene is the editor and originator, my sister Bonnie writes the food articles and my niece Stephanie writes the poetry corner. I find the magazine very interesting and informative but then again I may be biased.

You may notice a couple of other new names I have added to my blog roll. You might want to check out some of these blogs as well.

Mind you I wouldn’t want any of you to leave my site unattended. Keep reading me - please. Just - if you have extra time.....

I highly recommend you check out Tony’s blog at

This guy cracks me up with his dialogues about his wife and grandson. He is a stand up comedian and worth the visit.

Blogs - what does that mean? Does anyone know what those letters stand for. I know it is for some sort of log - maybe??? but where did they ever come up with a word like BLOG?

There are probably billions of blogs around the world. Where do you think they are all stored? And why???

Every blog I have ever written is stored somewhere on a page of it’s very own. Is it just drifting out there in space somewhere or does someone actually have it sitting on their grand immense computer? Why would they even do that? I could understand if it was on my own computer but why would someone want my rantings and ravings sitting on their computer?

It blows my mind when I think these deep thoughts.

With that I think I will bid you Ado. Parting is such sweet sorrow. Have a great day and a great tomorrow.

P.S. I asked Google what the word Blog meant and this is one of the answers I got.

The name "blog" is a truncated form of "web log" according to Rebecca Blood's essay "Weblogs: a history and perspective." Blog is used to refer to sites that can best be described as mini sites or mini directories, populated with the site owner's personal opinions. Blogs are now popular for business use as well.

So there you have it.... weB LOG. Amazing.

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