Yesterday I got to go with my daughter Angela and her husband Rob to Selkirk. They picked me up and I got in the car and sat beside Zander. I said "Hello" and he said "Whaaaaaaa." He was making strange. He cried till he finally fell asleep from the ride.
So last night I got to babysit while Ang and Rob went out to Celebrate their ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY. Wouldn’t you know it, Zander cried nearly the whole time. He started out fairly well but then he looked around and there was no mom there and he was in a strange place and the crying started and continued till 25 minutes before they got home.
I can’t believe the patience I have with him though. It didn’t bother me that he was crying. I felt so sorry for the little guy.
I can remember years and years ago, before I had my kids, babysitting a baby that made strange. Now this baby made strange with everyone - including the father. There was no stopping him either. I remember how it grated on my nerves and I felt like strangling him at times. I finally had to tell the mother that I just couldn’t babysit for her anymore as I just couldn’t take it.
Wow, I have really come a long way. Why couldn’t we have this patience when our babies were born? I guess that is what is so neat about being grandparents.
So, if you pray for patience, don’t be surprised if God brings some little ones into your life.
Here’s a picture of my poor frightened grandson Zander.
Exciting News! Our New Bible Study Starts Soon!
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5 days ago
I can't believe how big he is getting.
Awwwww. I feel so bad now :(
Thanks again mom for babysitting. I will have to visit some more. You have to visit more too though!! It is easier to pack you into the car than he and I *hee hee*. Plus you need to get out of the house more!!
Separation anxiety? Poor guy.
Thanks for the birthday greeting! Hopefully Zander will get to know you and learn that you are essentially harmless.
Awwww poor little guy Awwww poor grandma. He'll get over it they always do thank goodness!!
Poor little man...he and his gma just gotta spend more time together! What a little doll face, even if he was crying, just makes you love him more. Gma Tink, you are blessed, blessed BLESSED!
Hi Dallas
I just wanted to wish you a great day. I hope you are filling your heart with fond memories and that your day is a day of peace.
I have been praying for you today.
He's so cute. I thought I left a comment already.
I want that baby in Winnipeg!
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