What is it about snow that fascinates people so much?
Snow is:
precipitation in the form of small white ice crystals (notice ICE) formed directly from the water vapor of the air at a temperature of less than 32°F (0°C) (Notice Cold cold cold).
Some like snow but I have never been able to figure out the fascination with those tiny little flakes of wetness. What gets people so excited about it? It is beyond my comprehension. You can’t swim in it or bathe in it. You can’t wash your clothes in it or do your dishes. You can’t even water a lawn with it as the amount of snow is equal to about 100 flakes to 1 drop of water. It’s cold and sticky and yellow sometimes. You can’t really eat it. So what is all the hullabaloo of snow?
Maybe people like it cause it makes them feel like little gods cause they can walk on it like Jesus walked on water.
Oh I know, some say it looks so beautiful. Who are these people? Since when is "white" such a beautiful colour. I can have a piece of white paper in front of me and I don’t think it is that beautiful.
To me snow represents emptiness, desolation, barrenness, bleakness, nothingness, wilderness, deadness, and most of all - work - backbreaking work.
Snow means the end of summer and fall - that’s like death. It brings ending and closure to fun times. It means loss of life and great cost to cities.
Some facts:
Based on National Weather Service records for 1961 through 1990, Rochester, New York averages 94 inches of snow annually and is the snowiest large city in the United States. Their annual municipal snow-removal budget was $3.7 million in 1995.
Buffalo, New York, is a close runner-up in terms of U.S. large cities with the most snow. A 39-inch snowfall in 24 hours in early December 1995 cost the city nearly $5 million for snow removal.
Snow kills hundreds of people in the United States each year. The primary snow-related deaths are from traffic accidents, overexertion, and exposure, but deaths from avalanches have been steadily increasing.
In Canada we get a lot more snow than they do in the States so I can just imagine what our snow budgets for the year cost the taxpayers, not to mention the loss of lives and costs of accidents.
It is slippery and causes accidents. It is blinding. It causes the power to go out and people to freeze to death. It is cold, cold, cold. It causes traffic jams and causes people to lose time at work and school. It causes heating bills to go up and seems to bring the cold and flu with it. It causes millions of dollars in accidents and the loss of lives. Get a whole bunch of snow together and it causes avalanches.
So tell me - WHAT IS SO GOOD ABOUT SNOW???? Really, there must be a reason some people love it so much.
That’s my opinion and I’m sticking to it. Have a snow free day.
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5 days ago
I can name a couple of reasons snow is good. Snow sparkles in the moonlight looking like millions of little diamonds resting on the land. It brings
moisture to the earth for the coming spring, to water the plants and replenish the lakes and streams. Snow brings the HOPE of new life. It is not an end but a beginning. It gives you an apreciation for what you do have.
I could not imagine spending one Christmas without snow.
Have a snow filled day. Love you mom!
I'm with you Dallas, snow sucks!
in her teeny tiny voice Pam says...
I love snow...I love the peacefulness of snow...waking up to a fresh blanket of snow that no one has yet to walk through...midnight walks with a brightly shining moon over head...the purity of the color white...giggles and laughter of children playing in it...snow angels, snowmen and snowball fights...
Now...having said all that I grew up with snow every year...seldom do we have snow anymore...pretty much we now only have snow if we drive to the mountains
Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!
Except at Tink's house...
Let it sunshine, Let it sunshine, Let it sunshine!!!
I hate snow too! It could have melted today if it wasn't for the windchill. Argh!
Lovely photos!
Hello from Montreal, Canada.
My name is Wren and I just happened upon your blog today.
I have a family friendly discussion forum, and am trying to get discussion on various sects...or just plain old christian discussion! There is a christian section which already has a couple of threads (sects) in progress. Please feel free to join in the discussion or, if you don't see your church mentioned in any of the topic titles in that section, please feel free to create your own new topic for it.
Registration is free and the forum rules can be found here....
It would be an honour to have you post there...that is if you wish to, of course.
Have a wonder filled day!
My it sounds like you might be suffering from cabin fever. It's kinda early. I happen to love snow, but we don't seen near the about that you do I'm sure. Our annual average is around 25" (i think) and we've got 8" of it on the ground now. I especially appreciate a White Christmas. I'm not sure ours will last that long. So I hope you're doing okay. Just remember how clean it makes everthing look. We live in woods and we can always see much futher with the snow on!
We had our snowiest winter ever last year. It did kind of kill my excitement about the first snowfall this season. I still love being outside in the middle of a snowstorm, seeing the golden glow of my neighbor's electric candles reflected on her snowy porch roof; or watching my dawg snuffle in the snowbank looking for dietary supplements. Or the way the snow clings to the bare branches of the trees if it falls just right, with no wind, turning the woods into a winter sculpture garden. The way it quiets the world, so you can at last hear God's voice in the softly falling flakes, in the dark early morning hours.
Oh sure, I admit a love/hate relationship with snow. I won't let it get me down. Hey--you know how they say December 21/22 is the first day of winter? I think it's really the first day of spring, since it's the time that the days start to get longer.
Snow is magical!
To think that each tiny little snowflake is so perfect. That no two are the same.
To think that God takes as much care with a snowflake as he does with each one of us.
You don't really hate snow, you hate the conditions that snow brings and the man made trappings that forces you to shovel your walk and driveway.
When winter comes and it snows, I actually feel more domestic. Like I'm supposed to stay indoors. To cuddle up by a warm fire and read. Or go into the kitchen and bake, or sew or quilt.
Love always 4/6
I love snow, I just don't love it when its still around in May!
We never get it so we think it's cool?
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