The Holiday Season is upon us and there is hustle and bustle everywhere. Everyone is busy busy busy. Cooking, baking, shopping, decorating and getting ready for The Big Day. No time to stop. No time to think. Just go go go.
Unbeknownst to anyone, is a young man walking through the crowds of people. No one seems to notice him. He is just an ordinary man going about his business like anyone else. Or is he?
Upon closer inspection - if anyone took the time to look - this man is very sorrowful. He has tears in his eyes. Even in these big crowds he seems so alone and forgotten. He is thinking of ending it all, but does anyone care? Would anyone even notice? He doubts it, and that causes him more pain. His only fault was that he loved too much and now he must end it all.
People hurry past him and don't care if they knock him over or not. Down he goes, but no one helps him up. Again he goes on his way. Feet walking slower now. Again he is pushed down. Again no one stops or notices. There is too much to do. To many errands to run. Time is running out. Hurry, hurry, hurry. For a third time he is knocked down and again he is ignored.
"Why, oh why, do these people act like this?" he asks himself. "Don't they know what I am going through?" "Don't they even care a little?" But he is only met with silent disregard.
Each step he takes seems harder and harder. He is on his way to die and the crowds around him are too involved in their own lives to even notice or care.
How can he face this?
So alone, so alone.
But he must do it, he seems to have no choice. It must be done. It must be ended once and for all. He just can't take the pain anymore.
Oh, so much pain, so much suffering, so much loneliness. It must be ended.
Not long ago, he had so many friends. Where were they now? He feels so abandoned. Were they so busy with their own lives that they couldn't be with him at this time? He gave them so much of himself and now he was deserted.
Onward he goes, step by step, coming ever closer to his end. Is this what he was born for?
Soon they would see. Soon they would know. He was not a liar. He did love more than they could ever know. He did care and he would prove it to them. He could feel his heart breaking.
Finally he reaches his destination. The time has come. Soon, very soon, it will all be over.
Oh, but the pain, the aloneness.
With his final breath he screams out.........
"Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."
He came that we may have life, and have it more abundantly. John 10:10
Discovering Joy: Week 4/Part 1
The post Discovering Joy: Week 4/Part 1 appeared first on Time-Warp Wife.
2 days ago
Very well put.
Thanks for the reminder!
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