Tuesday, April 17


This article is my submission to the blog challenge sponsored by the devotional team blog, "Laced with Grace."

"How do you share the grace you receive from God on a day-to day basis?"

I signed up for this challenge and boy is it a "CHALLENGE". I wanted to take my name off of the list as I was sorry I entered. How does one share the grace they receive? That is a very hard question.

First of all there is the ‘age old’ question; What is Grace?

At the beginning of the epistles, it seems to be used as a customary form of salutation or a blessing of some sort for all Christians in common.

Grace seems to have many definitions but mostly it is understood as the unmerited "favor" of God. It seems to work opposite of "works". It is something you cannot earn for yourself but must just receive it from God.

So we get back to the question, How does one share the grace they receive from God, on a day to day basis?

O.k. so maybe I don’t share that grace on a day to day basis. I do try to live a life that I think would be pleasing to God. Knowing me I am probably deceiving myself and am doing everything wrong. BUT!!! regardless of how I live my life, I have been promised that I would receive salvation if I truly believed in Jesus. Now that is Grace. Living with the knowledge that all my sins - past, present and future - are already taken care of. I can now live my life guilt free of sin (although that isn’t always the case.)

I think Grace brings HOPE. And Jesus is our blessed Hope. I live in hope daily thinking that ‘perhaps today Jesus will come back".

I don’t spend every day trying to live like a Holy Person. I just live my life in Jesus and try to let him have full Reign. I don’t try to work my way into heaven. I don’t do things for others so that I can get points with God. I do things for others because of a genuine love that God has placed in my heart.

I love giving things away. Maybe that is a form of grace. I enjoy making others happy. I love making things and then just giving them away. If I am out shopping and I spot something I think someone else might like or could use, I try to pick it up for them as a little gift of love from me.

So all in all, I can only think that grace is the unmerited favor of God. God loves me and that is all I need to know. God loves me no matter what I do or don’t do.
I can live my life with hope and knowledge that the creator of the universe loves little ole me.

That is Grace.

1 comment:

eph2810 said...

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on the topic of grace.

Blessings to you and yours since Sunday and always.

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