As I lay down for my nap today, I began to think of Easter and how One Person changed all of history.
We hear of people like Bill Gates, who changed computer history.
Then there is the woman who didn’t want prayer in schools and set about to accomplish her desire.
We hear of Ghandi and how he changed people’s minds by nonviolent protest and how many people imitate the way they protest now because of him.
We read of one man - Hitler, who hated the Jews and set out to destroy them. In his course he had millions of them killed.
There is the one person who invented the Atomic Bomb, the man who discovered electricity, the man who invented the telephone. The list goes on and on.
In the Bible , we read of one man - Adam, who disobeyed God and sin entered into the world.
We read of one man - Noah, who listened and obeyed God and saved his family and the human race from extinction when the great flood came over the earth.
We read of one man - Abraham, who talked with God, obeyed and became the father of a great nation.
We read of one man - Moses, who stood in the presence of God and led the Israelites out of bondage, forever changing their nation with the Ten Commandments.
We read of one man - Paul, who set out to destroy all Christians and become the Apostle to the Gentile churches.
And lastly I will mention the greatest person to ever set foot on the earth.
He was just a humble, quiet man but he changed history forever.
It has been quoted that there have been more songs created and sung about him than any other person in all the world. Millions upon millions of lives have been changed for the better, because of him. More books and stories and poems have been written about him that even every library in the world could not hold all the words written about this one man. He changed times and customs and led the world on a whole new path.
This one solitary man made a difference in the world. Why?
Because he loved us.
He has given you your life.
Your life is very unique.
Even a twin or a clone cannot be duplicated with all that is inside of you.
There is not another person in all of the world that has seen the things you have seen.
There is not another person in all the world that has thought all the things you have thought.
There is not another person in all the world that has felt the things you have felt.
There is not another person in all the world that has tasted and smelled all the things that you have tasted and smelled.
You are truly a very unique individual.
What difference will your life make in this world?
We are not alone.
Every thing we do causes a ripple effect that goes on indefinitely.
Each of the people I mentioned above is still causing ripple effects on the earth.
Will your life be a ripple causing good or will it be a ripple causing evil?
The choice is yours.
Go out and make a difference in your world!
Have a Joyful Easter Weekend.
Joy Begins by Trusting in God
The post Joy Begins by Trusting in God appeared first on Time-Warp Wife.
2 days ago
Dellas that was great have a plssing easter hope you can make it home soon love dad
Most cool...happy Easter!
You mention a soapbox in your sidebar, but this sounds more like it came from a pulpit. You need to get yourself ordained as a minister! We already know you can write wonderful homilies, what a blessing you are!
They (meaning everyone) should start quoting you now. I don't think anyone could have put it better themselfs. Thank you
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