Friday, April 28


I've been tagged by my daughter. I've never done this before so here goes.
  1. I find so much pleasure in both my grandsons. I love it when they make me laugh.
  2. I find pleasure in both my daughters and in both my son-in-laws
  3. I find pleasure in all my family
  4. I love spending time and hearing from my friend Tilly
  5. I love hot summer days with cool breezes and no bugs
  6. I love laying in a nice warmish swimming pool and just relaxing
  7. I take pleasure in reading other people's blogs
  8. A nice coke and a plate of french fries or maybe a pizza
  9. I love crafting and creating new things
  10. Getting a surprise gift, package or money in the mail

Well now, who should I tag? Hum let me see. For starters how about...
Darlene, and Pam,

Sunday, April 23


My mother doesn’t seem to get half the credit she deserves. Being from a family of six girls, we all tend to lean on our father for everything. Mom ends up getting the short end of the stick.

But the old saying is true, "Behind every good man is a good woman." If it wasn’t for my mother, we probably would never look up to my father the way we do.

Growing up, my dad was an alcoholic. He was the "fun" one, the one who played with us and told us stories.

Mom was the serious one. The one who sewed our clothes, took care of us when we were sick, baked bread from scratch, planted gardens to keep us in food, and did extra jobs on the sideline to make sure we had enough money for things. But did we appreciate those things - No. We liked playing with our dad. He was funny and he was one of us.

Did we care that she had to put up with an alcoholic husband? Of course not. We just thought she was too bossy and strict.

Meanwhile on the sidelines, she was teaching us daily. She taught us how to love one another and care for each other. She taught us the value of saving and spending wisely. She taught us the value of helping out others. Even as needy as we were, she taught us that there was always someone out there that was more needy than we were.

She opened our home to relatives that needed a place to stay and never complained about it. She would feed them from the little we had and yet we felt like we were queens with the feasts she would prepare from scratch. She still makes her own bread and buns and they are to "die" for.

She clothed us from hand me downs as well as from little dresses she would make by hand. Not knowing how to use a pattern, she would design them herself and make us all matching dresses. Even now that we are all grown up, she knits blankets and sweaters for us and little outfits for the grandkids.

Many times she wanted to leave my father but because of us, she stayed. They have now been married and together for 56 years. A great example that we all plan to follow.

She was the first one to find Jesus as her Saviour and led each one of us to his knee, so that we could get to know him as well.

My father also came to know Jesus as his saviour and was delivered from Alcohol. He became a different man, more of the man that God intended him to be and the husband my mother deserves.

Because we are girls, we still tend to look to my father for everything. Yet deep in our hearts we know that it was mom who taught us everything we know today. She kept us all together and today we are a very close knit family.

She has brought honour to our family in many ways. My father is a respected member of his church and community. Why, because she thought little of herself and only cared about taking care of her family. She may have stood on the sidelines but she was the greatest coach.

My mother IS the woman that Proverbs 31:10-31 talks about.

"A truly good wife is the most precious treasure a man can find! Her husband depends on her, and she never lets him down. She is good to him every day of her life, and with her own hands she gladly makes clothes. She is like a sailing ship that brings food from across the sea.
She gets up before daylight to prepare food for her family and for her servants. She knows how to buy land and how to plant a vineyard, and she always works hard. She knows when to buy or sell, and she stays busy until late at night. She spins her own cloth, and she helps the poor and the needy. Her family has warm clothing, and so she doesn't worry when it snows. She does her own sewing, and everything she wears is beautiful. Her husband is a well-known and respected leader in the city.
She makes clothes to sell to the shop owners. She is strong and graceful, as well as cheerful about the future. Her words are sensible, and her advice is thoughtful. She takes good care of her family and is never lazy. Her children praise her, and with great pride her husband says,
"There are many good women, but you are the best!" Charm can be deceiving, and beauty fades away, but a woman who honors the LORD deserves to be praised. Show her respect-- praise her in public for what she has done."
CEV (Contemporary English Version)

Thanks for everything Mom. You are the greatest. I love you.

Friday, April 21


It seems everyone on my blog list has been busy blogging so I guess I should get busy as well. Don't really have anything much to say so who knows how this will go. Maybe it is time for a rant, or maybe a rave or maybe....????

I've been a busy little girl and enjoying the beautiful weather we have been having lately. I go sit on my deck for awhile and just enjoy the sunlight. I am such an addict to the sun. If it is cloudy - then I am down and depressed. Sunlight makes me happy and sets me free, free, free to be me. O.k. so I just get to be happier and more energetic when it is sunny. This happens with clinically depressed people. We rely on the sun to make us happy.

Other than that, I have crafts to make me happy. I have been extremely happy all winter. Making so many many different things. Now it seems to be coming to an end and that is depressing - but wait, I just started a new thing. I am making a quilt. Yipeeeee I am busy again.

Told you I didn't know where this would go. So it goes.....and goes and goes.... Who reads this junk anyway. Don't you have anything better to do with your time? Sheesh, you'd think you would be outside on these beautiful spring days instead of sitting indoors all cooped up and reading this dumb ole blog. Well, your loss.

I've been over to see my little grandson quite regularly lately. I pop in for a half hour to an hour. He seems to just L-O-V-E his grandma. Comes to me right away and lets me give him kisses and is content to just sit on my lap. I finally got him to "Give me Five" by slapping my hand. Wanted to get him to do it before he goes to visit his Grandpa in Kingston. Hope he has it down pat by then.

I saw my other grandson on the Easter Weekend. He is such a little card. So cute and claps his hands. I just love it. Those teeny tiny little hands clapping away and then a great big smile.

I love both my grandsons so much some times it seems to hurt. Never thought I could love little people like them so very very much. I think God gives grandparents and extra compartment to hold all the love they have for their grandkids. And they are soooooooo very very very cute. Is it just me? or are they just the most adorable kids you ever saw? I know I am prejudice but who cares. I love them so very much and am so very very thankful to God for blessing me with these kids in my old age.

We have Winnie the Pooh and Egor too!

Well, what can I say? My thoughts lately seem to go to the grandkids all the time or crafting. Will try to come up with something new next time.

Hope you have a great weekend.

Thursday, April 13


As I lay down for my nap today, I began to think of Easter and how One Person changed all of history.

We hear of people like Bill Gates, who changed computer history.
Then there is the woman who didn’t want prayer in schools and set about to accomplish her desire.
We hear of Ghandi and how he changed people’s minds by nonviolent protest and how many people imitate the way they protest now because of him.
We read of one man - Hitler, who hated the Jews and set out to destroy them. In his course he had millions of them killed.
There is the one person who invented the Atomic Bomb, the man who discovered electricity, the man who invented the telephone. The list goes on and on.


In the Bible , we read of one man - Adam, who disobeyed God and sin entered into the world.
We read of one man - Noah, who listened and obeyed God and saved his family and the human race from extinction when the great flood came over the earth.
We read of one man - Abraham, who talked with God, obeyed and became the father of a great nation.
We read of one man - Moses, who stood in the presence of God and led the Israelites out of bondage, forever changing their nation with the Ten Commandments.
We read of one man - Paul, who set out to destroy all Christians and become the Apostle to the Gentile churches.

And lastly I will mention the greatest person to ever set foot on the earth.


He was just a humble, quiet man but he changed history forever.

It has been quoted that there have been more songs created and sung about him than any other person in all the world. Millions upon millions of lives have been changed for the better, because of him. More books and stories and poems have been written about him that even every library in the world could not hold all the words written about this one man. He changed times and customs and led the world on a whole new path.

This one solitary man made a difference in the world. Why?

Because he loved us.

He has given you your life.

Your life is very unique.

Even a twin or a clone cannot be duplicated with all that is inside of you.

There is not another person in all of the world that has seen the things you have seen.
There is not another person in all the world that has thought all the things you have thought.
There is not another person in all the world that has felt the things you have felt.
There is not another person in all the world that has tasted and smelled all the things that you have tasted and smelled.

You are truly a very unique individual.

What difference will your life make in this world?

We are not alone.

Every thing we do causes a ripple effect that goes on indefinitely.

Each of the people I mentioned above is still causing ripple effects on the earth.

Will your life be a ripple causing good or will it be a ripple causing evil?

The choice is yours.

Go out and make a difference in your world!

Have a Joyful Easter Weekend.

Monday, April 3


Here are some of the latest crafts I've been working on. Remember these are just a sampling of all the crafts I have been making. I make lots of each item.

The first two pictures is what my beautiful living room looks like while I am crafting. I love clutter. Hee Hee. Enjoy the show.

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