Friday, April 25


Recently I stumbled across a little ‘gem’ that I wanted to share with you.

Maybe this isn’t new to you but I was so blessed by it.

Did you know that blood SPEAKS?

In Genesis 4:10 God says that the blood of Abel cried out to him from the soil. (We also know that ‘life is in the blood’).

In the original the word is plural, thy brother's bloods. Could this mean, not only Abel’s blood, but the blood of all those that might have descended from him had he lived?

As I pondered this verse and thought about blood, I began to realize that people are listening to what blood has to say every day. I had never really thought of it before.

When a young girl gets her first monthly flow of blood it tells her that she is finally becoming a woman. She is now capable of bearing children of her own.

When a woman gets her monthly flow, it is speaking to her. It is telling her that her body has gone through a cycle to prepare itself for conceiving a child. The flow tells her that no child was conceived during this cycle. It also tells her that each and every month she is being prepared for a wonderful act of procreation.

Even the lack of blood speaks to her, telling her that she has conceived. (or that something else is wrong with her body)

When we see blood on a child or on ourselves, it is speaking warning. It is telling us that something has happened to the body that needs attention. Maybe we just have a simple cut but it is still an indication that something is out of the ordinary, something has happened to our body that shouldn’t have.

Large amounts of blood indicate a bigger problem. The larger the amount, the greater the need to get medical attention.

Have you ever had a blood test?
Doctors and nurses listen to what blood is saying every day. By looking at our blood and listening to what it has to say, a doctor can diagnose what is going on in our bodies. So in a sense it is also a warning system.

Our blood flows through out the body day in and day out like a little soldier on guard. Checking and rechecking every little part of us. Then when needed, the blood brings news (speaks) about various things happening in your body.

Isn’t that amazing?

Blood is also a ‘tattle tale’. If you have taken alcohol, drugs or had sex with someone you shouldn’t have, the blood will tell about it. It can’t help but tell the truth about all it learns about the body.

Blood also seems to be able to tell various things about a person like who their parents were, and if they are prone to getting various diseases.

Abel’s blood "cried".

When innocent blood is taken from a person, human ears may not be able to hear it’s voice, but it has a voice that reaches God and cries out for vengeance. Murder is one of the sins that cry to heaven.

The blood applied to the door posts in Exodus 12:13 told the destroyer of the Lord God to pass over that house and not harm the inhabitants therein.

Have you applied the Blood of Jesus to your heart that the destroyer might pass over you in the final day of Judgement?

Jesus’ blood is the only thing that can deliver your soul and cleanse you from all unrighteousness.

Please, listen to His blood. It calls out to you.

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