Who are the Pentecostals? Who are the Baptists? Who are the Catholics? Who are the Seventh Day Adventists? Who are any of the individual denominations?
Aren’t they all just ministers that God has given to help us believe in Jesus?
One may plant and another may help us to grow but it is only God that increases his family and our knowledge.
So then one denomination is no better than the other. They are really nothing in God’s eyes. They are all foolish.
God is ultimately all that is truly important.
We will be rewarded for our own labour.
In the end, the individual efforts of each person will be found to be useless - unless it has helped to build the WHOLE body of Christ.
We are workers TOGETHER for God’s end, for God’s purpose.
The work we do together HAS to be directed by God’s Spirit because we are working together with him.
We are his building and his builders. We should be building so that the WHOLE structure is sound and secure. It is only in togetherness and unity of Spirit, that anything of value can be accomplished.
Various denominations may lay the foundations, but as individuals, we form the parts of that building.
As fellow builders ourselves, we have to be very careful. We have to be sure that the original foundation being laid is Spirit led before we ever try to do any building on your own.
We have to know that Jesus Christ is the firm foundation and all else is rubbish, foolishness, and of no eternal value. Get rid of anything else. It does nothing. It doesn’t help the foundation one bit.
The foundation of Jesus Christ stands alone.
Set your heart, mind, soul and strength on that firm foundation. All the rest is foolish trappings.
Now if any man has built anything on this foundation - whether it was good works, doctrine, traditions, programs, etc. it will all be revealed in the end.
Every MAN’S work will be manifested and tried by God’s fire. The fire will determine if it was Spirit led or if it originated in the heart and will of man.
Did it profit the whole body or just the individual? It will all be revealed.
After this cleansing fire, some of the building will be left standing. This will be the work that was done according to the Holy Spirit’s directing our lives to do God’s will.
Being obedient to God’s spirit will bring rewards.
But any work done in man’s own power, without the Spirit’s direction will be burned.
We WILL suffer loss.
We will know where we failed and will see our inner motives and desires.
We will still be saved - but Oh... the pain we will suffer when we realize how selfish and foolish we were all along.
It is going to hurt and hurt a lot - like being burned with fire.
Do you want to suffer the loss and pain your own thinking will cause you when your prideful living is finally revealed by his cleansing fire. You will regret that you didn’t do it his way all along.
Shouldn’t we strive to do it God’s way to begin with to avoid this pain and loss?
Jointly and individually we are God’s temple.
Does God need earthly buildings to dwell in?
He has us, his body, built on the foundation of Jesus.
God’s Spirit dwells in THAT temple.
God’s temple is Holy. (Morally blameless, ceremoniously consecrated)
This isn’t speaking of the natural or physical man but is speaking of the spiritual man.
We tend to think that by doing certain things to and with our bodies we are defiling God’s temple.
It is not the outward appearance that is important.
It is not even what goes into the natural man that matters.
It is all about the Spirit in us, in our spiritual body.
Defiling God’s temple is not allowing the Holy Spirit to have full and complete control.
That includes full control of our mind, spirit, soul and body. That includes individuals as well as the rest of the body of Christ.
Doing things are own way - without the Holy Spirit’s direction is defiling God’s temple.
The temple is Holy - it is consecrated and set aside, because God’s Spirit lives there.
If you do not allow God’s spirit to have full control, holiness is gone, The temple becomes defiled.
If ANY one, defiles (spoils, ruins, corrupts) the temple of God, God will destroy him.
Isn’t that a little harsh?
Those are strong words.
Anyone who is not a part of God’s temple, or defiles that temple in any way, will be destroyed.
God’s spirit will not live in a prison. He wants to live in a temple.
Don’t deceive yourself into thinking that this isn’t true. Instead go back to being a fool so at least then God can feed you the milk so you will get some nourishment and continue to grow.
If you are stubborn, or just can’t be bothered with any of this stuff, because you think you know it all and have all the answers - then go ahead. God wouldn’t stop you.
He’s taken many in their own craftiness.
He will let you continue to think you are wise beyond your years and have all the answers.
He knows all our thoughts.
To him they are all foolish and vain. They are totally useless to him or anyone else.
Please, don’t look to men or to your own ways of thinking for answers.
Go directly to God.
Seek His fullness, power and direction.
Give Him first place in your life every moment of every day.
Ask God to continually fill you more and more with His Spirit.
If you really want it, he will give it to you.
Everything you could possibly want or need is made available to you through this union with God’s spirit.
You are God’s child if you keep his commandments.
Jesus’ death and resurrection made it all possible.
Build on this foundation.
Don’t take my word for it.
Joy Begins by Trusting in God
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