The following is part of an article published by David J. Meyer in his monthly column called "Last Trumpet". I believe alot of what he write about pertains to the blog I just wrote.
The heavens and the earth are the creative handiwork of the Almighty, and all that He has made become a sure voice of witness against the inhabitants of the earth in the last days. From the earthquakes that rattled South Knoxville, Tennessee; and southern Colorado on the same day, to fireballs streaking over Colorado, all of which happened on January 4th, 2007, we know something is going on. (1) The freak weather with cherry blossoms blooming in New York City in January (2) should tell us something strange is happening, and more is about to happen. In the Israeli State, ice and snow storms shut down roads and highways on December 28th, 2006. (3) Northern Europe welcomed in the New Year with an ice-free Baltic Sea, (4) and in the Canadian Arctic, an immense ice shelf, measuring 66 square kilometers or 25.5 square miles, tore away from Ellesmere Island, which is near Greenland. (5)
The new year of 2007 arrived with another sign in the heavens. Comet McNaught, a very bright comet, appeared in early January and was seen accompanying the rising and setting sun each day. (6) Meanwhile, volcanoes and earthquakes have been declaring their testimony against sinful man. Mt. Vesuvius, which buried the ancient city of Pompeii in Italy, is now in these last days the most heavily monitored volcano in the world. Geologists are warning that three million people are at risk as Vesuvius has awakened once again. (7) Many volcanoes are awakening, and on January 9th, Nicaragua’s Telica Volcano spewed columns of gases and ash hundreds of feet into the air while the earth rumbled. (8)
On January 10th, an earthquake shook northwest Red China, causing thousands of buildings to crumble; and on the same day, a smaller quake rattled southeastern Oklahoma. (9) Southeastern Alaska was hit with a 5.7 magnitude quake the day before on January 9th, 2007. (10)
On December 26th, 2006, exactly two years after a massive earthquake caused the devastating tsunami, struck and killed nearly one-quarter million people in one day, two powerful quakes struck off Taiwan and severed two underwater communications cables. These two quakes, one for each cable, shut down the internet for nearly all of Asia! (11) With two little shakes, God cut off pornography from the Internet on the largest continent of the world. That day of December 26th has been one of dire warning from the Almighty. With that in mind, I must also mention that the Russian newspaper Pravda reported that on Christmas Eve, 2004, just before the devastating tsunami, massive explosions filled the sky over Jakarta, Indonesia. The Indonesian Air Force confirmed that it was a meteor shower over all of Indonesia, and people watched with amazement as falling stars from heaven crashed to the earth. It was December 24th when the stars fell from heaven, and just 36 hours later, a quarter million people were dead. Strangely enough, the number 36 is the square of six or six times six. If you add every number between 1 and 36 together, you have a sum total of 666. (12)
Another sign happened over Chicago, Illinois, on November 7th, 2006. More than a dozen United Airlines employees clearly witnessed a flying saucer-like object over O’Hare Airport. The Chicago Tribune reported, "A flying saucer-like object hovered low over O’Hare International Airport for several minutes before bolting through the thick clouds with such intense energy that it left an eerie hole in the overcast skies." The employees that saw it are angered that it is being dismissed as nothing, without any kind of investigation. (13)
Those who are watching and praying and have discernment are seeing some amazing things in these last days. As the year 2006 ended, two former world leaders lay dead -- one in the ancient land of Babylon and the other in the Capitol of modern-day Babylon in Washington, D.C. One of these two leaders, former President Gerald Ford, was given a Masonic funeral on Friday, December 29th. Ford was a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason. Then, at this same time, another former leader died and was brought to naught by execution in the ancient land of Babylon, which is now called Iraq. Saddam Hussein was hanged. His body was then put in a plain pine coffin and strapped into an American military helicopter and flown to his grave near the Tigris River. (14) Then following these two deaths, a comet appeared brightly in the sky. It was so bright that you could see it with the naked eye. Many believe that a comet marks the death of a world leader.
Cloned animals have now been declared safe for food and food products. Super-sized cows are now being cloned and are giving up to ten gallons of milk per day. (15) The FDA has stated that cloned products are perfectly safe according to Stephen F. Sundlof, director of the FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine. (16) Here let it be noted that the technical name for cloning is somatic cell nuclear transfer. A donor egg is removed and replaced with the DNA of a cow, pig, or goat and stimulated with electric shock to cause the egg to grow into a duplicate of the animal from which it came. Cloned animals have a tendency to develop cancer and arthritis in a very short time. The famous Dolly, the cloned sheep, died prematurely this way. (17) Is it safe for humans?
Danger lurks everywhere, and only Almighty God can help us. We live in a country where two million people pick up infections in hospitals every year, and ninety thousand of those people die from the infections. (18)
01. Earth Changes TV, Jan. 4, 2007, by Mitch Battros,
02., Jan. 2, 2007, by Kerri Lyon,
03. Jerusalem Post, Dec. 28, 2006, Jerusalem, Israel.
04. AFP News, Dec. 29, 2006,
05. AFP News, Dec. 29, 2006, by Guillaume Lavailee, AFP, Canada.
06. Earth Changes TV, Jan. 11, 2007, by Mitch Battros,
07. Ibid.
08. Ibid.
09. Ibid.
10. Ibid.
11. Associated Press, Dec. 27, 2006, by Stephan Grauwels.
12. Pravda, Dec. 23, 2004, Pravda News, Moscow, Russia.
13. Chicago Tribune, Jan. 1, 2007, by Jon Hilkevitch, Chicago, IL.
14. New York Times, Jan. 1, 2007, by John F. Burns & Marc Santora, Baghdad, Iraq.
15. London Daily Mail, Jan. 10, 2007, by SeanPoulter, London, England, UK.
16. Associated Press, Dec. 31, 2006, Washington, D.C.
17. Associated Press, Dec. 28, 2006, Cox News Network.
18. AARP Bulletin, Jan. 2007, by Katharine Greider, AARP.
Joy Begins by Trusting in God
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