Tuesday, February 6

Life Lessons

Hello to all my blog friends.
I would like to start something new on my blogs. I will try to put up a video blog weekly. I might also feature some videos from You Tube that I find interesting. I think it would be neat if more people would get into doing this. Hope you enjoy today's video. I made it this afternoon from some emails I received.Keep Watching for MY Video Blog coming soon.


John Cowart said...

Hi Tink,
Your video came through very well. Reepresents a lot of work. Good job.
Glad you're back to posting.

Carolanne said...

I love the video - it was great!

Carolanne said...

Hi again. I posted a link from my blogsite to here since my son was also impressed with your video clip.
My husband read my post, and then watched your video and he too was really impressed!
So once again, well done. :)

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