This is the latest news.
I went for the sleep test on Tues. night and it was a disaster so I have to go again tonight. I barely slept as three of the hook-ups weren't working right and she kept coming in to change them and reconnect them. Then they had me on one machine that kept waking me as I felt like I was being suffocated. In the morning we went for breakfast (after being woken up at 6:00a.m.) and we had to wait around till 9:00 to get the results. We walked back and forth and sat and watched as hundreds of people went through that place.
I finally got in to see the doctor. Through all the questions again. Weighed again, height again, blood pressure again, etc. etc. Then he sent me for exrays on my chest. Had to wait for the x-rays to bring them back with me. Then I had to go for a blood test. Ended up having a number of breathing tests that made me feel dizzy. Finally the blood test. He was looking for an artery and not a vein for this test. Dug around in my arm till I nearly screamed and couldn't get any blood. Finally he froze the area (which nearly hurt as much as the digging) and began digging again. Finally he got some blood and did the test. Went back to the doctors office with x-rays, blood test results, and breathing test results. Waited. Finally the doctor showed up just to tell me they booked another sleep appointment for me today. They also booked an appointment at 2:00 today to get a CPAP machine which I take with me to the sleep test tonight and also to Gimli Hospital tomorrow night. After all that testing and stuff yesterday, Val drove me back to Gimli and I went for a sleep in the afternoon. Val came to the hosp. in the evening and after he left I read for awhile and then went to sleep. Had a good night sleep and woke refreshed feeling this morning ready to start the new day of whatever they throw at me.
Will update more next time.
Till then have a very restful day.
Joy Begins by Trusting in God
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