(I’ll bet most moms don’t realize how smart they really are!)
1. "If you're going to kill each other, do it outside - I just finished cleaning!"
This statement didn’t really teach me to appreciate a job well done but it did teach me that I was able to handle my own problems and that I couldn’t always run to mom to intercede on my behalf. Those few words carried a warning. If I didn’t stop what I was doing, someone might get hurt.
It also taught me that I was to respect the hard work of others and to be careful so that I didn’t unwittingly undermine their hard labour.
2. " I don’t care if all the other mothers are letting their kids do it, I said no. Just because every other kid in the world jumps over a bridge doesn’t mean you have to jump too. Because I said so, that's why. I brought you into this world, and I can take you out."
This taught me that my parents were a higher authority than myself and I should not question that authority. In accepting their rule in my life, I would be in a place of safety, expecting that authority to only want what was best for me.
It also showed me that I was an individual and therefore all my needs and expectations had to be handled on an individual basis. I was not just anyone else. I was their child and they cared about me.
When I became a Christian I realized that Jesus was now my authority. He loves me as His daughter and only wants what is best for me. I am to obey him and not question why. He knows the beginning from the end. He treats me as an individual and does not want me following the crowds but only following Him. I can rest safely in His leading.
3. "Make sure you wear clean underwear in case you are in an accident. You better bring a jacket/umbrella in case it rains."
Expect the unexpected. Life doesn’t always work out the way that you planned so always be prepared. Think about your future and prepare for it now. You never know when an opportunity may arise. Be ready to meet any challenge that comes your way.
4. "Don’t sit too close to the T.V. you are going to burn your eyes out. If you don't stop crossing your eyes, they are going to freeze that way. Eat your carrots, they will strengthen your eyes"
These words taught me that my eyes were important and I should take care to protect them. The eye is the lamp of the body, the window to the soul, so I should be careful what I allow to enter through those portals. What am I feeding my soul when I chose to watch certain things on T.V. that is not appropriate. Jesus said "If your eye offend you, pluck it out. Better to enter heaven with one eye than to suffer in hell with two."
5. "Stop crying or I will give you something to cry about."
Don’t fret the little stuff. Things could always be worse. These words prepared me to expect hardship in my life. If I worry and fret over the little things, what will happen to me when the big things in life roll in on me? Learn to put things in proper perspective and don’t let the little things get you down. Each day has enough worries of it’s own. We don’t need to add to them.
It also taught me that crying is not going to solve anything. I need to take steps to change my behaviour and not just wallow in self pity.
6. "It looks as if a tornado swept through this house. Your room looks like a pig sty. Do you think you were born in a barn?"
There is no beauty in chaos. I should take pride in my surroundings and the things I possess. I should take care of my belongings and those of others around me. I should be trying to attain a higher standard for my life. Living by my animalistic nature (ungodly instincts) is not acceptable behaviour.
7. "Don’t blame me if you fall out of that swing and break your neck. If you don't do your homework, you'll never get a good job. If you break your leg, don’t come running to me. Just wait until we get home, boy are you going to get it."
Daily we will face various choices and challenges in life. Every action has a reaction and our choices determine what consequences we will have to face. It is our free will that allows us to make these choices. We must face the consequences of our choices and actions alone. No one else can answer for us. We will all stand before the throne of God and each man will give an account for himself. I have to recognize and take responsibility for my own actions. I have choices throughout my life and I cannot try to blame others for my irresponsibility.
8. "There are millions of less fortunate children in this world who don't have wonderful parents like you do! There are millions of starving children in Africa that wish they could have your dinner tonight."
Statements like these taught me that I should count my blessings, always be thankful, and appreciate all that I had, whether it was plenty or little. There is always someone less fortunate than I am. But for the grace of God, go I. It reminds me of an old saying that goes something like this
‘I once met a man that had no shoes and felt sorry for him. Yet this man was so great full because he had met a man that had no feet.’
It also taught me that I should think of those that are less fortunate and do all I could to help. Jesus said that if we clothe or feed those less fortunate than ourselves, it is like clothing and feeding Him.
9. "You will sit there till you finish your supper. I don’t care if you have to sit there all night.
This taught me determination, steadfastness, and endurance. Life is going to be hard and will hand us all kinds of problems. It is very important to stand firm and finish what you start. Some times it will take every bit of strength we have to endure but in the end it will be worth it. Everyone has a chance to be a winner. Keep your eye focused on the prize. It doesn’t matter how you start, it is how you finish. Many start right for Christ at the beginning and we move forward but take our eyes off the prize and fall behind in the race. Finish Strong. Run to win the prize.
10. "What were you thinking? Answer me when I talk to you. Don't talk back to me! If I've told you once, I've told you a million times... Would you just shut up and listen for once."
Think before I speak. Listen, listen. listen. This world is plagued with communication problems because people just don’t listen. We have two ears and only one mouth. That should tell us something. We should listen twice as much as we speak. Our parents tried and tried to drill these lessons into our innermost beings and yet most of us just didn’t ‘get it’.
Our Heavenly Father is constantly talking to us but we just aren’t listening. I am slowly learning these lessons my mother taught me. I am trying to open my ears to what Father God wants to tell me and learning to quit telling Him how to do things.
11. "One day you'll have kids ... and I hope they turn out just like you!"
What goes around comes around. We reap what we sow. There is nothing new under the sun.
Some call this the ‘mother’s curse’. If we had hearkened to the voice of our mothers we would be blessed with obedient children today. Our sinful nature rebelled and therefore we reap what we sow. It wasn’t our parents faults that we turned out the way we did. We made our own choices along the way.
I’ve learned that my mom is human too. She raised me the best way she knew how to and I can’t fault her for that. We all do the best we can as parents, and pray that love can overcome our humanity.
12. "Go ask your dad, if he says it is o.k. with him then it is ok with me."
Mom taught me through example that dad was the final authority. She submitted to his decisions. It didn’t make her any less of a person, in fact it caused me to respect her even more. She taught me my proper place in the great scheme of things.
Father God is the ultimate authority. Woman submits to her husband, her husband to Christ and Christ to Father God. Each in their own proper place. When everyone is in their place and doing what they should be doing, life goes on a lot smoother and everyone is happier.
She taught me that it was o.k. to approach dad. He wasn’t someone I should be afraid of. He would gladly answer my questions. I might not always get the answers I wanted but that didn’t mean I would never go and ask him for something again. It also taught me to trust his decision making. If mom could trust his authority on a subject, then I too could trust that he only had what was best for me in mind.
If I don’t know what to do about something, I know that I can go to Father God and He will always hear and answer. I need not be afraid of Him. I know He will only do what is best for me.
I wanted to write this in appreciation of all moms but especially mine. She is the greatest. I have learned so many wonderful things from her and I will be eternally great full. Eternally I say, because without her leading, I may have never found the Lord in the first place.
Thanks Mom
I love you.
Joy Begins by Trusting in God
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