Monday, July 10


"Once in a while you have to take a break and visit yourself ." Audrey Giorgi

So here I am at 54 years old - finally visiting myself.

It is a shame that it took the death of my husband a year ago to finally get me to visit myself, but here I am.

So what do I find out about myself?

First, I find that I CAN SURVIVE the loss of a loved one - with God’s help.
Sure is good to have him around in crisis situations.
Don’t know what I would do without him.

Visiting myself has been a weird trip.

I never knew things about me like I am learning now.

I guess as you go on in life you just let things happen and figure it will be that way forever.
You don’t really stop to think why you do certain things.
You take life for granted.

Then being married puts a whole new spin on who you are.
For years I have been this married women with two grown children.
Suddenly I find I am a single woman again.

So who is this single woman?
I haven’t seen her in years and years.
She is so new to me.
I don’t really know if I like her or not yet.
She kind of scares me as I am not used to her and don’t know what she might do next.

I was comfortable with the married Dallas.
She seemed to know everything she was doing and just did it.
This new single woman though is something else.
She is up, she is down, she is confused at times, she is depressed at times, just never know how she might be from one moment to the other.
At times, visiting her can be so much fun and at other times, you just want to get out of there as soon as possible.

I guess it is like everything else though, the more you get to know a person, the better friends you become.
So I guess I will keep visiting this person for awhile longer till I really get to know her really well.
Who knows, I might just become best friends with her yet.

So, when was the last time you visited yourself?
Don’t wait till it is too late.
Have a good day.

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